
Training of Trainers in Citizen Media with SMEX

In May the Social Media Exchange will launch a new capacity-building project for Lebanese civil society and community-based organizations who want to leverage the Internet to support a stronger civil society, especially with regard to peacebuilding and youth activism.

To do this, SMEX will lead a free training of trainers (TOT) in citizen media. The 10-week course, held both online and offline, will familiarize participants with the precepts of social media for social change and provide an opportunity for in-depth and hands-on experience using and applying a variety of digital and social media tools in specific contexts.

We're looking for participants from all over Lebanon who can devote a few hours a week to online coursework as well as a few days this summer to meeting in person to enhance facilitation and media production skills. We'll also ask you to do some teaching.

View the full announcement, selection criteria, and online application form at www.socialmediaexchange.org. Please take a look to see if this opportunity can benefit you, your organization, or someone you know.

We'll be in touch as we launch a more sustainable SMEX with more training and capacity-building opportunities. Meanwhile, thanks for your continued support.